The Meditation Course

A comprehensive course on the practice of Meditation. I have designed this course with the intention of gradually teaching steps by steps the fundamentals of this ancient art of self-knowledge to my students. Based on my 30 years study and practice of the tantric yoga philosophy and techniques and my added studies in life coaching strategies and mindfulness. The course is compromised of three modules, the first one, teaches the foundations of the practice, the second focuses on understanding the longterm path and goal of the practice, and the third module teaches how to apply the skill of self-inquiry to deal gracefully and benefit from live's challenges.


  • Each module lasts 8 weeks, meeting once a week for a session of 1h and 30min.
  • All live virtual sessions are recorded and are made available to the students, in case you miss a session
  • There is a multimedia online support material for each session of the course.


Dates to be announced

Schedule: 18:30 to 20:00

In this Module we will explore the foundations of the meditation practice: posture, breath, emotions, attitude,  mantra and energy body. We are guided in the process of developing our own daily meditation practice at home and discover for ourselves what does it mean "conscious living", developing our capacity to connect and explore our own consciousness, the essence of the mind, and  bring this inner wisdom to our daily living.


  • 8 consecutive group sessions once a week where you can interact in real time with the teacher.
  • Online sessions thru Zoom Mettings
  • It includes support material, written and audiovisual, which you access online.

**all live virtual sessions are recorded and are made available to the students, in case you miss a session**


Course Tuition: $155

Questions? feel free to contact me.

Module 2: the Recognition of the Self

Dates to be announced

Schedule: 19:30 to 21:00

In this course will go deeper in to the meditation techniques learned in level one, as well as learn awakening contemplations on the Primordial Self. Students will explore the realm of the self, where life's energy and inner truth resides. Expect to feel connected with the very special place inside you and expand your outer and inner awareness.

  • 8 consecutive group sessions once a week where you can interact in real time with the teacher.
  • 2 private meditation coaching sessions to review your progress.
  • It includes support material, written and audiovisual, which you access online.

**all live virtual sessions are recorded and are made available to the students, in case you miss a session**


Session 1: Awareness is the Self

Session 2: The pervasiveness of Awareness

Session 3: Awareness as the Ground of Being

Session 4: The light of Awareness

Session 5: Awareness and it's dynamic power

Session 6: The impurity of identification

Session 7: The impurity of separation

Session 8: The impurity of action


Module 3: Living in Awareness

Dates to be announced

Schedule: 19:30 to 21:00

Meditations to release, gain clarity and access our inner wisdom. Pre-requisite: level 1 of the meditation course. We will focus on meditations that help us connect and listen more deeply to ourselves, to discern our feelings, emotions and underlying beliefs, as well as to tap in to our intuitive wisdom, that part of us, that simple knows. This module is based on the work of Jonathan Foust’s Body centered inquiry.

  • 8 consecutive group sessions once a week where you can interact in real time with the teacher.
  • 2 private meditation coaching sessions to review your progress.
  • It includes support material, written and audiovisual, which you access online.

**all live virtual sessions are recorded and are made available to the students, in case you miss a session**



"I see great progress, and I feel very happy and motivated by it. A thousand thanks for your work and dedication to our group. You are making a difference in my life and I consider you one of my mentors and teachers on this spiritual path." ~ Liliana Ary, Texas, USA.

"Through the meditations I became aware of deeply held emotions and belief systems that were generating a state of disharmony within me, which had been holding me back and causing pain. By using the techniques, I experienced beautiful moments of release, clarity, and new understandings."- Giselle Marzo, Miami, USA

“Thanks to the teachings of Tomás, I have discovered a great love for this discipline and enjoy its benefits every day. What I have liked the most is the humility with which he teaches. This makes your message get through and it becomes a tool that we can use at all times ”. - Susana Ceccato, Miami, USA

"Throughout my life I have gone through very difficult situations and to be honest I never felt such inner peace, that which you make us feel when you speak to us with your heart in your hand and from the depths of your being." - Rosario Ferrante, Miami, USA

“I have loved the course. It has given me a lot of security, peace and quiet. It has helped me to realize that I don't need to change or fight anything to meditate. I have learned to let go and that has helped me feel more peace. "- Amparo Hernández, Miami, USA

"I like the way I feel. When I start the day after meditating, my thought about what I am going to do that day is clear and precise." ~ Zulema Zarzalejo, New York, USA